Am I Grace?

I Am Grace

Sin was first introduced to me young, when I saw the truth go right and I went left….my mom was grace.

I was told to finish my plate, the over-chewed liver didn’t taste so great; so I hid it under the lip of my now “clean slate”….my dad was grace.

I chased her down the hall, my lips puckered in awe; a gentle first kiss isn’t what the teacher saw….she was grace.

She was my friend, I enjoyed our time now and again for she made me feel wanted until she laughed again and again. My vow was broken, many tears were shed; that night I felt I wouldn’t see grace again….

Down and low, using sex as my new afterglow; it was the passing through the doors at the sycamore that grace made my heart sore….

Roller coasters, hills and hollers; my denial of the truth made our union a travesty that my sins blinded grace’s wonder.

I am grace has been whispered in the stillness of our voids.

I am grace has been shaken in our heads and shocked within our hearts.

I am grace has been here all along; waiting patiently until my lights finally come on.

Through all your fibs and lies, when you turn back to my eyes….I am grace.
Through all your poor decisions, bad judgements and simple mistakes….I am grace.

Through your broken vows, stolen purity and hollow covenants….I am grace.
Come to Me, all of you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest for….I am grace.

I am the way, the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me for….I am grace.
Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation can separate you from My loving presence for….I am grace.

I am grace for the lost.
I am grace for the broken.
I am grace for the stubborn.
I am grace for the addict.
I am grace for the adulterous.
I am grace for the hypocrites.
I am grace for the deniers.

Am I yours?


The Goofy in STRESS

It’s hard sometimes during a moment of high intensity stress to find the humor in a moment; but sometimes I’m glad the goofy comes naturally!

Why do we do it to ourselves so much? Getting so worked up over things most of the time we can’t control!? They say smoking takes away bulks of time from your life with every cigarette….I beg to differ that accepted stress in one’s life destroys more than that!

More muscles strain when you’re angry, you look uglier (which is not God’s design) when you’re angry, and your friendship status drops majorly when you act like an uncontrollable jerk!

Anger does a lot to our lives and being goofy in the midst of those moments help to lighten the moments and let the silliness of our entertaining the negative come to focus! When I get goofy, my wife looks at me like I’m an alien from another planet….and I love it!!! 🙂

She may think I’m going overboard on the crazy goofy….but what I’m really attempting to do is release the tension that’s about to explode from earlier.

Did you know that God tries to help relieve your stress insanity too? He does this every waking moment of your breathe in and breathe out existence! From the gentle breezes on a smouldering, humid summer day; to blessing you with the unexpected person behind the Circle K counter paying for your snacks because your debit card isn’t reading!

Jesus, walks this earth with you in the moments Satan dishes his best to help you see the JOY in His relationship with you! Whether goofy responses or just mediocre smiles; His presence is never leaving us….so read this and smile!!! Let the goofy out and tell the stress to flush with the other turds of waste in your life! 😉


Integrity Muted

What would you do if you ever found out Jesus was lying to you? Where all the stories of prophecy and hope were mere words?

One of the most frustrating things that happen during my job are the words of promise or hope from customers when they speak of getting back to you about a service need. They tell me how great of a technician I am, how good our company is and then they desire more out of you. When you then go to fulfil your desire of service for them, you find the job has already been done by someone else.

No call, no email, not even a courtesy call… communication whatsoever as to why……

As Christians, we are nothing without faith in Jesus. That same faith should be carried through our actions we give off to others. This helps define our integrity and our ultimate character in Christ!

If you can worship with your whole heart in church and lay it all on the line for Him there; then should you not carry that same loving intensity to all you come in contact with? If you do business with another and your integrity doesn’t match that of your integrity with Christ….you’re a hypocrite.

It’s like Jesus comes to us and says, “I am the way, the truth and the life; No one comes to the Father except through me.” And then you find out Jesus went a different way….

All that we say and all that we do, of we claim Christ in our lives reflects back on Him…..sinker our integrity for Jesus speak boldly and the rest of our selfish selves….be the muted!


National mockery

Call me a Christian, call me a church-goer, call me a Christ-follower; but don’t call Jesus with hollow words!

Last night my wife and I watched the latest episode of “The Bachelorette” which I know, is probably NOT the best show to watch for realism of relationships. However the moment when bachelor Ben was let off the show proved the realism of his professed “Christianity”.

Claiming during conflicts with the other guys, Ben would repeat that he was trying to be a “good Christian” and stay away from conflict and arguments. However, he really disturbed my heart and my wife’s by when Bachelorette Desiree’s decision to send him home; Ben decides to make an open mockery of God and his “Christianity”.

Repeating at least 5 curse words having to be blurped out, talking about how much better he was than the other guys and that Desiree would regret it. Stating the show is missing out on the next Bachelor “Good looking single dad from Texas…” Ending the segment with stating he wanted the limo driver to take him someplace to “get drunk” and is looking forward to being able to “be seen out in public again with someone else!”

The sadness that fills my heart is that on national television he claimed Christ as his Center and that church was very important to him. Why use Christ to gain your advantage!? People in this dying world need to have real hope on Jesus; not watching fake believers like Ben to ruin their views of someone who’s “Christian”.

Christ DIED for all of us….that’s not a joke; and that’s not something to mock for your personal gain! My biggest prayer today is that God will use someone nationally like Nick Walkenda again to proclaim his greatness in a positive light!

Forgive us Father, for we know not what we do…. 😥
